blueberries, to me, are the king of berries they speak luxury and exuberant taste & of course the best of compliments when served fresh! my mother, agrees. so, when i saw some local advertising of a U-pick blueberries at a local winery we were up for a mother daughter adventure!
mom and me at keel & curley
i call this my paparazzi look (country bumpkin style)
we rode a tractor back to the "hot pickin spot"
we picked, talked, ate - not necessarily in that order :)
did i mentioned we ate... a lot?
if you haven't picked blueberries before i highly recommend it! they are so easy to pick and very rewarding! we were only out there for about 45 mins! and completely filled our 3 buckets
in total we took home 12lbs of blueberries!!
this is what i'm making with some of the fresh blueberries for our mother's day picnic
the card i made for mom
hope all of you have a wonderful mother's day!
OMG those blueberry bushes are practically trees! now I know where the grapesized berries that we occasionally find in our grocery stores come from *giggle*. Scandinavian blueberries grow only in the wild and you wouldn't look that chic after a whole day of picking the buggers. My mum always wanted me to go with her and I just hated it. Sat on a stone eating up the cinnamon buns she had brought for us instead. Bad bad me! What a lovely daughter-and-mother thingy to do and the crumble looks just yummie! do you eat it with whipped creand or custard or just plain as it is? xxx Eila