October 15, 2010

kitchen canisters.. a recycling project

recycling is important to me and to do "my part" 
i recycle all types of containers, bags and boxes
this project though has to be my favorite so far

check it out..
my kitchen canisters
a recycling project

(these containers use to hold protein powder)



i used 3 cartridges:
fabulous finds
george and basic shapes
going places

the circles and font were both cut using the george and basic shapes cartridge

the frames are from fabulous finds
and the forks going places cartridge

oh wow! i'm so happy with the way they turned out
the cosmo cricket paper is one of my favorites lines
i didn't get near enough of it when it was out!

on the counter top


up top

these are going to be so fun to use!

their final home in the pantry 

now to paint the pantry walls!


  1. oh thanks macy! i thought you would... cause you're just cool like that!
    mom's reaction was the best:
    mom ~ "ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooohhhhh you maaaade these?.. you are soooooooo creative"!!
    me ~ "mom i just hit "cut" button on my cricut.. and glued it all together.."
    mom ~ "well, i couldn't do that!"
    yay.. she makes me feel soo special! hehe
