inspired by a favorite blogger little miss momma whom i stalk... um.. cough.. i mean visit regularly ~ she states in her blog "what you see is what you get" she's honest, so.. herself! i admire her and look for that same quality in myself.. i mean i look deeeeeep down.
but i feel more comfortable
being the showoff - letting only the pretty side shine,
making everyone laugh
telling jokes
and don't ever get down to the nitty gritty of what i'm really feeling and what's going on.
when i try something new ~ i don't think it threw a lot (or at all)
i'm the same way when i speak.. it just kinda *blah's* out.
however, i'm discovering it makes it difficult {on everyone else} there's no consistency {i like to think of it as uber creative - just to make myself feel better}
does it sound like i'm blabbing again.. it feels like i'm rambling on and i'm losing you like a fly!
ok ok i'm getting to the point. i've dabbled with the thought of having my on biz for years
and stuck my toe (so to speak) in the water with trying to sale this and that but never gave it a fair shot - this time its going to be different! and i'm not just saying it.. i've thought this threw and planned it out (i know i know.. i should have warned you to sit down first!)
gosh darn-it even if i'm the only one left reading this (which i wouldn't doubt for a second.. its kinda boring here) i believe in what i create - it is after all what i LOVE to do!
here's to sticking to it with...
my new etsy account!
and because it wasn't enough to admit my fault i'm going all out there (maybe i should think about this more...) and promising to becoming more consistent with all my endeavors or maybe i'll just start with consistency with my creating!! yes, then i'll branch out from there.
moral of the story, be yourself... OH and check out my etsy shoppe of course!! hehe