April 4, 2011

Mystery box

After the most perfect honeymoon but terribly long flight home - even if it was first class - we finally arrived home to a dining table full of gifts, cards and left over wedding decor laying here and there.. And somewhere in the middle of all of it was a couple post-it-notes the best man had left with the time and dates he came by to give the kitties food and love while we were gone. next to that - a huge stack of mail. Gosh that was a lot of mail for just a week... But I was so tiered I just wanted a shower and hit the sack. It was 11pm and we checked out of our hotel in Vegas at at 10am, turned in the rental car and shuttled to the airport. we had a layover in Houston and there was a couple time changes in the air somewhere... We were flying all day!

After a quick shower Eric and I fell into bed.. Sighed and waited... Then i said.. Well, we could at least open the gifts.. Eric sat up and said "ok! Bring them in here.. And we'll open them while "laying down" and that's just what we did.. After all how can One sleep when its "better then Christmas gifts" are sitting all over your table?

While I was lugging the gifts to the room.. I noticed the mail pile again.. And underneath was a box - um.. That's why it looked like so much mail! I walked over to the box and with a huge question mark in my mind I looked at the "from" address... And my mouth dropped open! "No way!"- "what?" I can hear eric say from the other room... I grab a knife and gently but quickly open the box.. And tears began to flow... I was overwhelmed how could someone that's almost a stranger be so generous?

my next post i'll show you what it was.. and talk about some of the gifts we got! 

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